Happy New Year 2022!

Hi! We hope you had a great start this year!

In our case it was a mixed bag, we got covid on new years eve, so weren't able to celebrate, as you can imagine. On the other hand, as we are vaccinated, symptoms were mild, and were pretty much recovered a couple of weeks later.

Even though we had to postpone it, we didn't want to miss our annual toast, so even though we are late, we did it anyway!

This video, especially the ending, was Andie's idea, so let us know what you think!

We hope you enjoy it!


  1. Have a good year! I'm glad to know you are okay now! superlative video!

    1. Thank you! It was a fun video! We are really happy to be back creating content

  2. No puedo describir lo mucho que me encanta el CFNM en videos nopor. Encima CFNM argento que creo que falta mucho ;). Hasta me tomo la molestia de usar VPN para ver sus videos.
    Pregunto de curioso nomas, la idea del CFNM vino sola? A andie no le gusta sacarse la ropa? O es parte del fetiche en si?
    Y nunca probaron hacer CFNM con mas gente? Onda, trio con una mujer, o tipo fiesta CFNM?


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